Reference : PT 0011
Polyurethane dispersion based paint that creates a “cement” effect finish. Particularly useful to touch-up cement coatings or renders. Can be applied to a wide range of building surfaces: wood, cement, plastic.
PRO-Tech Spack Spray is a professional texturesimulatorbased on a unique PU dispersion, with which spack textures can be easily simulated. Ideal for retouching existing and new spack. PRO-Paint Spack Spray can be used on substrates common in construction such as; concrete, plasterboard, stucco, wood etc. The product has a high flow resistance and is excellent for painting on. Can be finished with all commonwall paints if desired. If desiredand necessary isolate the substratein advance with Pro-Paint stain sealer/ Insulation spray.
Binders: polyurethane dispersion
Propellant: dimethyl ether
Data sheet
Before use, carefully read the directions on the packaging and act accordingly.
Remove all loose particles from the substrate. The substrate must be dry and free of grease. First isolate any stains in the substrate. Shake can well before and during use for 1 or 2 min. Mask or cover adjacent surfaces. By varying the layer thickness and the spraying distance compared to the surface, it is possible to spray both fine as well as course textures. Spack Spray can be used for covering, but also for light smattering, just apply texture after (after drying) the whole surface is painted over with wall paint. If several layers are required, it is recommended to leave a 10 minute Flash-off time between the layers. The ideal processing temperature is between 15 to 20°C. Use between 10 to 30°C, depending on the desiredtexture. The temperature of the can influences the texture. During spraying the can cools down and the texture gets courser. If preferred, you can slightly heat the can under lukewarmrunning waterdue towhich the texture becomes finer again (do not leave under a hot tap!). After use, clean the valve (turn aerosol upside down and press the nozzle for approximately 5 seconds), disassemble the nozzle and rinse under a tap. Caution! The propellant is highly flammable, no smoking, no open flames, no hotobjects (radiant heaters) during use. Provide adequate ventilation.
CLP labelling with one pictogram.
H222 Extremely flammable aerosol.
H229 Pressurised container: May burst if heated.